BI-monthly message
think on, pray on, act on this
Reflection which was written for the Sunday after the Queen died by Reverend Heather Wilcox, reflecting on the Gospel reading for the day which was Luke 15:1-10, the parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin.
There is a theme that runs through the two parables Jesus tells today
The theme of ‘lostness’
Whether it be the lost sheep
or the lost coin
Something is lost
Many of us here today are probably
feeling a sense of lostness
For most of us
The Queens passing on Thursday,
has left us with a real sense of the unknown
We don’t remember what it was like before Elizabeth was Queen
We have always sung – ‘God save our gracious Queen’
Always used money and stamps imprinted with her image
Even if we do remember a time before Elizabeth was Queen
It is certainly the end of an era
A long and faithful reign
A reign in which God has been placed first and foremost
As she has led as one with a servant heart
And so there is a sense of national lostness
That we have lost something very dear to us
There is something that we cannot get back
No matter how hard we search, how much we sweep
As a nation we feel lost
Perhaps we were feeling lost before Thursday
Rocked by Pandemic … War … and a cost of living crisis.
Many people left feeling hopeless
lost and unsure which way to turn
But in the Gospel there is always hope
We believe in a God
Who doesn’t want to leave us lost and hopeless
God the good shepherd,
leaves the ninety-nine safe in the field to search out the lost
God the Good Shepherd searches high and low
And when he finds the lost sheep returns home rejoicing
We believe in God, who, for the sake of one silver coin
Turns the house upside down
Gets into every nook and cranny
Until the coin is found
And when the lost coin is found throws a party
As our beloved Queen has been called home
To the sound of much rejoicing in heaven
God has not abandoned us to our lostness
He searches us out still
He searches out all who are lost and feeling hopeless
And carries us in his arms
He carries our nation
With all its cares and its woes
And longs for a day when
from our lostness we turn back to Him
And he calls us to help him in the search
To seek out the lost
to lift them up and carry them home
and when each one who is lost is found
there is rejoicing
Today, as we mourn the death of the Queen
as we come to the end of an Era
The God of love reaches out to all who are lost
And carries us gently in his arms.
We give thanks for the life of Queen Elizabeth II
For her many years of faithful service
May we share her servant heart
And rejoice that she is now at home with the Lord.